Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas E-letters

You know exactly what I am talking about don't you? Those annoying Christmas E-letters that your 'friends' send you every year.

Feel free to vent here.


Smartie said...

How about those phone calls you get from the rugrats of siblings, who you avoid like the plague because you don't like or want kids, but the sibling feels the need to force the kid onto you at Christmas?

At least my sibrats live miles away but I inevitably am inflicted with the horror of picking up a voicemail that starts with my sister talking to me like I am a five year old (apparently she's now only capable of conversation levels that match her kids ages) then loudly prompting (forcing) the kids to "thank" me for whatever gifts I mailed them. It reminds me of my childhood, when my mother would make us sing for any adult visitors at the drop of a hat. I'm sure she visualised us being Von Trapp-ettes but to me it felt like being a performing monkey, yanked on a chain whenever she wanted.

My sister "Hullo there, thank you SO much for the lovely presents. (Kid 1) do you want to say thank you?"

*clunking phone noises*

Kid 1 "Mmmmpphhh thnxxx"

*clunking phone noises*

Sister "That's right! And what did you do with the presents?"

*clunking phone noises*

Kid 1 "mmmmppphhhh nnsssstthhh"

*clunking phone noises*

Sister "And (Kid 2) loved their present too! Didn't you (Kid 2)?"

*clunking phone noises*

Kid 2 "Mhhhgsssnnzzzzzxxx"

*me, poised over delete key, rolling eyes*

I should put them on call block.

Leilani said...

Hey Smartie,
Even if you have kids and/or like them - those phone calls suck. Just send the kids red cordial for xmas and the thank you phone calls will cease.

Anonymous said...

Wow! It is only since becoming a mother that I have become really aware of how you have no idea what is going on in other people's worlds, and maybe you should pause before judging.

Should we not try to teach our children manners, including that it is polite to thank someone who has sent you a present? This requires some effort on the parent's part (God knows I have a million other things to do) and may not be much fun for the person receiving the thanks, but it is in the interests of teaching the child important social skills.

Smartie said...

Oh I'm getting my revenge this year. This year I bought them finger paints and bead set. They'll be vacuuming up and scrubbing that mess for months! :)

Anonymous said...

Beads? Not Bindees I hope!